Saturday, December 08, 2007

Jeepers, Creepers!

My poor Jeep. The wintery blasts of weather that we've been having have been making good ole' Teddy (yes, it has a name - don't even judge me for naming my cars) quite cold! I needed to run some errands yesterday, and therefore had to dig my car out of piles of snow. It was rather inconvenient. Then, when I tried to brush the snow off the top of the car, I noticed that the entire roof was not just covered in snow, but a layer of ice over two inches thick! My arms are a little sore from breaking it all off ... Oh, the joys of winter in Wisconsin : )


Matt & Jen Frahm said...

Your jeep story isnt really compelling me to get excited about moving back to that stuff...I'm in the process of planning a bike ride for the weekend....

Anonymous said...

I keep forgetting that you have a blog too Nikki. You look fierce.