Thursday, December 07, 2006


So, I just figured out that I think I can post some things of my life on my internet space at school. Oh, how far your tax dollars are going ...

I just finished making a Power Point presentation for a banquet-esque type thing going on tomorrow night. It's called 'Dinner and Dialogue,' and it's a few hours dedicated to awarding student leaders on campus. Of most interest to me is the fact that "my" Emerging Leaders graduates will be recognized. So, I got to put together a little schpeel and presentation, saying what we've done over the past semester, and thanking everyone for their hard work in making our program possible.

So for those of you who are wondering what the heck I did on my Thursday nights for the past three semesters of my life, here's a good look.

PS - Imagine this slideshow playing to the tune of "Swingtown" by the Steve Miller Band :) - just click on "Documents" and then on "D n D Slideshow" - you'll have to save it to your computer if you want to view it.

I'll be back some other time, when it's not almost two in the morning ... that clock is wrong for some reason.

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