Well, my friends, it is about that time of year: the time to reflect on the end of one year, and plan for the next. The end of the year is always bittersweet for me: For one, I often get pretty sentimental looking back on the good things of the year, sad to see them pass into memory instead continuing as my reality. On the flip side, it can be difficult for an idealist like myself to look back and see the ways that the year didn't pan out quiiite the way that I wanted it to. But thankfully, the start of a new year reminds me that we're always given second chances, a place where we have some power to perpetuate the good things in our lives, and the opportunity to start ridding ourselves or learning how to deal with the things that we're not as thrilled about.
2010 will go down in the books as a big year for me. While 2009 offered its own set of total changes in circumstance (graduating and moving abroad, namely), the shifts that have taken place in my life have actually been far more dramatic this year. 2009 and the first part of this year were mainly extensions of a college lifestyle: life was fast-paced, thrilling, and primarily focused on my own desires and inclinations. This year, though, has been one of total transition. I transitioned from the rather lazy, low-on-responsibility, high-on-excitement lifestyle of China and traveling to a more stable one, with a real job and a lot of responsibility. I transitioned from a lifestyle of having vague ambitions to one that actually acts out those dreams. I transitioned from a life that had me staying in hostels or guest houses every night to one where I own a home. (If you would have told me even six months ago that by December I would be working full time and buying my first house, there's no way that I would have believed you!)
In the midst of these shifts, there have been many highs and lows. On the one hand, I'm so grateful to be back with my family and friends and to have constant relationships in my life. On the other, I often miss China and life on the road with a sort of incessant, dull ache. And, while I'm glad to be at a place in life where I have the ability to form a stable routine, I also miss the excitement of waking up in a new place everyday with undiscovered treasures before me. And finally, while I genuinely love the work that I do, I sometimes miss knowing that my path could take me absolutely anywhere (at least, anywhere that has a budget airline flying there). So, I think there's some learning and growing to be done, and some peace to be made with my current situation. And thankfully, there's always room for that in the year ahead.
Here's a recap of some of my life in the past year. I hope you enjoy it, but even if no one else reads this, it'll be a nice reminder for me when I'm old and my memory has deteriorated more than it already has ...
- I spend New Year's Eve celebrating a reunion with my family and the boys, and New Year's Day exploring one of the world's greatest cities: Shanghai!
- I delight in playing tour guide, showing my guests some of the wonders of the country that will always have a special place in my heart. We experience the thrill of the modern cities of Shanghai, Wuxi, and Beijing (even spending the night in the super high speed train!) and the quietness of the ancient water village of Tongli. We enjoy trips up to the highest skyscrapers, the most insane markets, and the longest wall
- I am sad to see my family go, but set out on my next adventure of transitioning from life in China (giving finals, completing my students' grades, moving out of my apartment, packing up for a new trip, and getting out of the country juuuust in time) to a mini-solo adventure of traveling to Vietnam. Jones eventually joins up with me, and Katrina eventually meets up with us, and we begin our shared adventure.
- J, K, and I visit Cambodia, highlights being the sleepy jungle beach town of Kampot and the absolutely stunning Ankor Wat.
- I celebrate my 23rd birthday in Siem Reap by mowing down some Western food and getting my feet eaten by fish. Ahh, delightful.
- The trio moves onto Laos. Highlights include gorgeous scenery and spotting an an old farmer wearing a Brett Favre jersey. Lows include being sick all. the. time. (I blame India for staying in my gut when it's not welcomed there.)
- The tour of SE Asia is completed (for now!) by visiting Thailand. Highlights include taking a cooking class, eating as much sticky rice with mango as humanely possible, and of course, lazing on the beaches. Lows include saying goodbye to Katrina.
- The trip home is highly anticipated, and it does not disappoint! I return to the States in mid-March and soak up every minute I can with the people that I truly love and missed. Seeing a walking, talking Hannah at the airport, enjoying a favorite restaurant on the way home, and sleeping in my own bed are all remarkable. Mom and Matthew's mom throw two great welcome home parties, and I feel very loved.
- Road trip to Naples with Matthew! Enjoy wonderful time with my grandparents and an unbeatable sunset cruise.
- Interview for various summer jobs ... especially memorable was my day-long experience at an urban farm in Milwaukee where I learned that I am unsuited for physical labor. Shocking.
- Enjoy Florida, Round 2, this time with my family, and back in our old favorite college town, Gainesville!
- Celebrate the marriage of a former college roommate, Ashley.
- Spend a weekend in LaCrosse watching Kristen complete a half-marathon!
- Enjoy an excellent California vacation with Chrissy to visit Beth and Anne. Highlights include our insider tour of Hollywood, hiking, wine tasting, and staying with the crazies on the sidewalk for the Price is Right
- Throw a party for the most bittersweet event of the year: The LOST Finale!
- Spend Memorial Day at the boat with my family
- Begin training in earnest for my triathlon!
- Spend weekends visiting Matthew at camp
- Enjoy time at home with my family
- Finalize my plans to work for the Crossing!
- Make a strawberry pie
- Spend the 4th of July at the boat with the family and the boys
- Hang out with my family for Parents Weekend at camp, highlight being watching my parents on the ropes course
- Enjoy an annual camping trip with my high school girls, complete with severe thunderstorms
- Spend lots of time in Madison meeting people I'll soon be working with on a regular basis
- Spend time with Hao and Katrina showing them around Milwaukee
- Chrissy and I complete our first triathlon!
- Spend a weekend Up North with extended family and the boys, capping off a wonderful summer
- My calendar suddenly springs to life as I move into Madison with work, a class, part time jobs, and attempting to see my family and Matthew. Stress city.
- Throw a successful surprise party for Matthew
- Celebrate the second CZ wedding, Sheri!
- Visit a long-anticipated US city, Portland OR for an incredible conference with my favorite author.
- Visit a new potential home!
- Start finding my stride with work and scheduling
- Run the Madison Mud Run with Madison friends - and spend the rest of the day freezing
- Head to Lambeau for a Packers game with Chrissy and our men
- Learn how to juggle five Quest trips at once: Kenya, Nepal, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Northern Ireland
- Relish in a truly American Thanksgiving and kick off the holiday season with my loved ones
- Enjoy a slightly more relaxed schedule as I learn how to better manage my time
- Attempt to listen to as much Christmas music and drink as much eggnog as possible
- Delight in the beauty of the snow
- Look forward to holiday parties, spending time with my family, moving into a new home, and an upcoming trip to Kenya (!)
What a year. I can't believe all that has happened, all that I've seen, and all that still remains to do. There's so much changing and growing still to do, and I have my sights set on another year to figuring out my life and learning how to live with with more gratitude, intention, and joy. Thanks for being a part of my journey - you enrich it in ways that you probably even don't realize, and I am so thankful that a certain Author has written you into the story of my life.